Tag Archives: kitty cats


Annie look alike

Mrs. Bonino…she is still here. Fat cat, brat cat, my favourite muse and friend. It is not really that we have not been speaking. We have. I have not been writing about our talks because she asked me not to.

She said “Cats don’t talk”…this is not good for your rep baby.. Makes you look a little loose in the brain box if you know what I mean.”

Her advice always cuts to the proverbial point – and I do mean “cuts”.

But today as she was rolling on the floor in her vast flesh and fur she gazed up at me and said, “take this down.”

And so as I ran around looking for a sharp pencil or a not dried out pen and some scrap of paper with space on it, she began to speak.

“Annie,” I said. “SLOW down…I don’t want to miss anything.”

And she said, “You will though, as always, because you are so busy trying to read and write the world that you don’t get the world under your feet.”

“But you said, write it down…and…”

“But look what you are doing,” she said. LOOK at yourself and then listen to me.”

So I stopped and listened. This is what I remember. I may have missed things of course because I did not write it down.

1. Take a chance with your dreams ~ because I want to get next to you.

2. Don’t be afraid of time passing ~ because I want to get next to you.

3. Don’t waste time and do what you are able to do ~ because I want to get next to you.

4. Feed me Friskies which is my favorite food and then feed me more ~ because I want to get next to you.

5. Stroke my fur…I love that ~ because I want to get next to you.

6. And give me all your sweet, sweet loving today, tomorrow and all our days ~ because I am waiting ~ to get next to you.

Thank you Mrs. B.


Catherine MacAdam

Image Source: Pinterest